10 October, 2006

A little "Leaf Peepin'" in the Adirondacks. So far the honeymoon has been a series of driving long distances, backpacking in beautiful mountains and seeing old friends. I have to say the Cape Cod oysters on a half shell are the best on the East Coast (we know because we tried them in three different states). Anna Hopwoods wedding was a wonderful display of love and Bourbon. We figure the more we travel around the states, sleeping in all sorts of different beds, spending days in the car, the better we will do in South America. So far I can say that it is pretty tiring. I just wish people didn't care if your clothes were wrinkled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is a gorgeous shot! you guys are experiencing the most beautiful sights...and not to mention cultural goodness, too! :)
I think about you all the time...